Texture mapping on the SGI 320 (in stereo)

Jorrit Schaap jorrit at lkeb.azl.nl
Tue Nov 16 06:05:20 EST 1999

Hi gurus,

I'm using VTK for medical visualisation. For speed reasons I use the
vtkVolumeTextureMapper2D. Recently I bought a pair of CrystalEyes
stereoglasses and the special adaptor for the SGI 320.
On the SGI 320 you have to enable the stereo capabillities in the
hardware settings.
Once this is done strange things start to happen...
see my example (all lines should be straight):

ofcourse it is supposed to look like this (I disabled the
stereo-capabilities here):


another (bad) example with just one plane and one texture:


Now, if the renderwindow is set to true 3D stereo-viewing, then
everything looks fine (with the gasses of course).

I have looked deep into the VTK-code, but I can't find any bug in there.
And because of the difference between stereo-enabled and actual
stereo-viewing I suspect it is a bug in the Cobalt graphics driver. (I
use version 4.1.4)
If I run the same programm on other computers (with for example a
TNT2-based card) there is no such effect.I think this supports my
suspicion for the Cobalt driver as well.

I hope anybody can give me a solution for this.

Thank you,

Jorrit Schaap

Division of Medical Image Processing
Leiden University Medical Centre
the Netherlands

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