using vtk to model rainfall events

mike eschman meschman at
Tue Nov 16 00:18:31 EST 1999


we are attempting to use vtk to model rainfall
events over a time series.
we have water depth as a scalar value at discreet
time intervals that map to water storage
areas.  each water storage area is a unique
polygon within a 2d display.
we would like to use the fill color of these water
storage polygons to
represent the changes in water depth over time.

we are hoping to be able to use a vtkLookupTable
to set vtkProperty for the polygons
for color and shading.  is this reasonable ?

we are also wondering how to control the rate of
presentation for animation of the
time series.  if it runs through the water depth
variations too quickly, it's useless.

finally, it might be useful to have each water
storage polygon hold peak water depth.

any input would be both useful and appreciated.

mike eschman, engima

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