Proposal for removing user.make

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at
Thu Nov 11 13:42:30 EST 1999

<x-flowed>The advantage of the configure flags is that configure can check to
make sure that the right values are specified.   Often times for new users,
it is easy to give the wrong path to tcl or tk, and they don't find out until
half the system has built.

At 12:12 PM 11/11/99 -0600, Skip Montanaro wrote:

>     Bill> I would suggest cvs removing the current user.make.  Then create a
>     Bill> file called user.make.example.  If people need to override or add
>     Bill> new make variables it could still be done in user.make by copying
>     Bill> and user.make.example to user.make, then editing user.make.
>In the Python community this same sort of problem (with Modules/Setup -
>where non-default modules are defined for compilation) is avoided by having
>a file that is copied/converted to Setup by the configure process
>the first time configure is run.  Users are free to modify Setup to their
>hearts' content from that point on.  It's not modified by configure if it
>already exists.  This allows you to have as general a solution as the Setup
>(user.make) file feature allows without having to figure out how to map all
>possible functionality into configure flags.

William A. Hoffman
Kitware Visualization Solutions / vtk Commercial Support
469 Clifton Corporate Parkway
Clifton Park, NY 12065
bill.hoffman at
1-518-371-3971 (Phone & Fax)

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