OpenGL cards and multiple windows / WinNT

Lisa S. Avila lisa.avila at
Sun Nov 7 23:38:46 EST 1999

Hello John,

>The thing is that there SHOULD be enough resolution in the zbuffer to give
>(say) 30km/65537 = 0.4metre resolution in depth - assuming a 16bit zbuffer
>if the clipping planes are set to the closest and furthest extents of the
>dataset. Where I'm viewing a max of 30km of data (in fact a bit less)...

Keep in mind that if you are viewing things with a perspective viewing
transform (the default) and if your graphics card stores depth values in
the Z buffer (most do, but some store w instead) then the Z buffer
resolution is not constant from near to far plane - although the finer
resolution is by the near plane, so you should see the artifacts on things
far from you rather than near. Try switching to a parallel view and see if
the artifacts go away.

>Anyway. I blamed diamond not vtk so apologies if I sounded like I thought
>it was vtks fault.

>PS. I try to report as many bugs as I can find, but I already think I post
>far too much to the list and if I'm not sure who to blame I keep my mouth
>shut until someone else notices something! - even then I seem to get it
>wrong most of the time.

It is always good to report when something changes - even if you think the
"fault" is your graphics card. 


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