segmentation fault (core dumped) problem

Dingrong Yi yidingr at
Fri Nov 5 10:36:15 EST 1999

Hi again,

Thanks to Ingo Redeke and Dean N. Williams that I am able to run 
examplesTcl Cone.tcl. However, I met a new serious core dumping problem 
each time after closing the visualization toolkit opengl display window, 
sometimes, evenworse problem occurred, that the Xserver crashed and I 
have to login with a text display.

I am using RedHat6.0 (HedWig), kernel 2.2.5-15 on an i686. I 

However, I did not explicitly specify the Makefile or the user.make to 
user egcs as the compiler.

Now my questions are
(1) is this core dumping problem due to Xserver or the compiler for VTK?
(2) If I should specify the compiler to be egcs-1.1.2-12, which file 
should I edit and how? (I changeed system.make and every time after I run 
./configure, the system.make changed back to its original.)

Help please!

Thanks in advance.

McGIll University.

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