Repost: VRML file?

Paul Hsieh pahsieh at
Fri Jul 30 20:38:30 EDT 1999

I think you have to render first before creating the vrml world.
Also, the vrml file is an ASCII file, so you can open it up in any
text editor and look at it. If it is empty, then the problem is problem
in your vtk program. If it is full of numbers, then you should check
whether or not you VRML viewer is properly installed. (Download a
vrml world from the web and try to open it locally in your web browser.)
Good luck.

Li Gao wrote:
> Hello,
> I was using the follwing code to save a scene into a VRML file.
>         vtkVRMLExporter *writer = vtkVRMLExporter::New();
>         writer->SetFileName( "test.vrml" );
>         writer->SetRenderWindow( this->renWindow );
>         writer->SetInput( this->renWindow );
>         writer->Write();
> Then, I double clicked the file name "test.vrml" in Windows Explorer. The
> Microsoft Internet Explorer poped up but nothing showed up. I checked system
> setting and found the Microsoft VRML viwer 2.0 was instlled. I don't know
> what was wrong, writing or the viewer? Please help.

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