ImageReslice in vtk23

Kerrie Holton Tainter tainter at
Wed Jul 21 12:14:13 EDT 1999

I have noticed that I can't get reslice to work when the trilinear
interpolation is turned on.  Maybe this is the problem.

I used an algorithm just like yours, though I specified my own
transform instead of constructing it from the identity.  It worked
okay with nearest neighbor.  Either it's interpolation, or maybe
something with your transform.


Ana Cugat wrote:

> I would like to know if there is any problem with vtkImageReslice. I used
> with vtk22 and I had no problem, but the same application running with vtk23
> produces strange results!!!
> If I do:
> vtkTransform transform
> transform Identity
> transform RotateY -90.0
> vtkImageReslice reslice
> reslice SetResliceTransform transform
> reslice SetInput [reader GetOutput]
> it doesn't work while it worked with vtk22. I think has to do with
> SetOutputExtent, but I didn't use it with vtk22 and it worked??!
> Ana Cugat

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