TkRenderWidget chokes on NT

Igor Fridman pnin22 at
Mon Jul 19 19:29:08 EDT 1999

--- Amar <amar at> wrote:
> Here's the situation:
> 	Windows NT 4.0 or Win2000 beta
> 	FireGL 1000 Pro graphics card
> 	Tcl/Tk 8.1
> 	VTK nightly release from some night in late 

Amar -- I believe that VTK currently does not support
tcl/tk 8.1;  using the tcl/tk dlls that came with vtk
2.3 (i believe those are the 8.0.7 version) work fine
on NT
Igor Fridman

Naval Research Laboratory
Vacuum Electronics Branch Code 6841
4555 Overlook Ave. S.W., Washington, DC 20375, USA
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