TkRenderWidget chokes on NT

Amar amar at
Mon Jul 19 15:24:47 EDT 1999

Here's the situation:
	Windows NT 4.0 or Win2000 beta
	FireGL 1000 Pro graphics card
	Tcl/Tk 8.1
	VTK nightly release from some night in late June 
Whenever the TkRenderWidget (or the image widget, too) is first exposed, a
GP fault occurs and the application dies.  If, however, I create a separate
RenderWindow not using the Tk widget, there is no problem.  Nor does this
problem occur on my SGI or Linux/Mesa3D systems.

Before I go thru the trouble of tracking this down myself - has anyone else
seen this problem and know a fix?          

amar at

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