vtkScalarBarActor problems -- Hope is at hand

Nigel Nunn nNunn at ausport.gov.au
Thu Jul 8 10:43:27 EDT 1999

Hi Gala'Vi 

I too am following the vtkScalarBarActor situation keenly.
I noticed that in last night's set of changes, they have 
had a first attempt to re-work the resizing problem.

Here is the comment from the Monthly Changes log,


( since WinNT version currently scores "CF" on DashBoard, 
  I will hold back a whiles  :-)

U imaging/vtkScalarBarActor.cxx
  revision 1.17
date: 1999/07/06 21:22:25;  author: millerjv;  state: Exp;  
lines: +18 -2 
BUG: Scalar bar assumed a title had been set in order to 
calculate the proper fontsize to use.  Now if no title is 
present, it uses a temporary title to calculate the font 
size.  This means the tick labels will use the same font 
size regardless of whether a title is present or not.



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