vtkCutter issue

Jim Moore jmoore at qn.net
Tue Jul 6 15:46:10 EDT 1999

To get original nodal points, I think you will have to use a point locator  or
an extractor such as vtkExtractGeometry.    Create an implicity function which
"contains" the plane you want to sample on and any point in the container will
be given back as output.    I'm not sure what will happen to its structure
though.   It will probably just by unstructured points.
Ben Held wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using the vtkCutter to do a cut plane filter operation on an
> vtkUnstructuredGrid.  This generates the proper output (faces), however I
> have noticed a couple of things:
> 1. The output from vtkCutter seems to be triangulated (my vtkUnstructedGrid
> representes hex. elements), so when I display in wireframe I get triangles.
>  Is there an alternative to this?
> 2. When I display an entire mesh, I display the edges (using the
> vtkFeatureEdges filter) and the nodes (via vtkPolyData->GetPoints()).  I
> need to do the same for the output from vtkCutter.  However, if I try to
> get the edges and nodes from the output of vtkCutter, I get the edges and
> nodes on the "new" triangulation of the data.  I really need to get the
> edges and nodes of the original mesh that lie on the cut plane.  I thought
> I could address this by passing the the nodes and edges from the original
> mesh into another vtkCutter with the same plane definition, however, the
> original mesh is of type vtkUnstructuedGrid (vtkDataSet) and the
> vtkFeatureEdges and GetPoints() functions only take vtkPolyData as input.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Ben
> John
> Ben L. Held
> Simulation Technology & Applied Research, Inc.
> 11520 N. Port Washington Rd.
> Suite 101 B
> Mequon, WI  53092
> Phone: (414) 240-0293
> FAX: (414) 240-0294
> e-mail: ben.held at staarinc.com
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James C Moore, Vice President
URS Technologies, LLC
ph: 614-540-8041, jmoore at qn.net

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