
Jerome, Ron Ron.Jerome at
Mon Jul 5 14:49:38 EDT 1999

Isn't this exactly what the much awaited Visualization Studio (
<> ) is all

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Inbar [mailto:rinbar at]
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 1999 11:22 AM
To: VTK Mailing List
Subject: COM/ActiveX

Hello everybody!
Has anyone ever tried to wrap a vtkRenderWindow in an ActiveX control?  If
so, please send me links to such work.
If you have any experience with COM/ActiveX (not necessarily in conjunction
with VTK), please tell me what you think of this idea.
P.S.  From responses to my previous questions to this mailing list I get a
distinct impression that some of you VTK users out there are not too keen on
using Microsoft technology.  Please try to put aside any anti-MS prejudice
you might have.  Your input will affect decisions I will have to live with
for a long time, so please try to evaluate this idea as objectively as you

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