Hi All,<br><br>I need some help doing the following. Please could one of you guide me on how.<br><br>I use a vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter on VTKUnstructuredGrid to render skin of that grid. That works fine and I can see the number of surfaces shown by grabbing the <br>
dataSetSurfaceFilter->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfCells().<br><br><br>I need a way to map the surface back to the original cell id. That is if I have 2 cells and I render just skin, number of surfaces rendered are 10. I need to be able to pick on any of these 10 surfaces and map them back to either of the the 2 grid cells.<br>
<br><br><a href="http://www.vtk.org/doc">http://www.vtk.org/doc</a> says :<br><br>If PassThroughCellIdsOn is 1, then the output polygonal dataset will have a celldata array that holds the
cell index of the original 3D cell that produced each output cell. This
is useful for cell picking.<br>I turned the PassThroughCellIds On and I have UseStrips turned off.<br><br>Then I did<br>vtkPolyData *surfacePolyData = dataSetSurfaceFilter->GetOutput();<br><br>But I do not see how I can access that celldata array that holds the original 3D cells for the surfaces.<br>
<br>Please can anyone advise on how.<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br>Bhanu<br><br><br><br><br><br>