<div dir="ltr"><br>I've got a link error when building VTK on OSX. I've enabled postgresql and python wrapping.<br><br>[ 73%] Built target vtk<br>Scanning dependencies of target vtkpython<br>[ 73%] Building CXX object Wrapping/Python/CMakeFiles/vtkpython.dir/vtkPythonAppInit.o<br>
Linking CXX executable ../../bin/vtkpython<br>ld: file not found: libpq.5.dylib<br>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status<br>make[2]: *** [bin/vtkpython] Error 1<br>make[1]: *** [Wrapping/Python/CMakeFiles/vtkpython.dir/all] Error 2<br>
make: *** [all] Error 2<br><br><br>I've used the binary installer for postgresql, which goes into /Library/PostgreSQL/8.3/*<br><br>[ dweber@elegans ~/src/kitware/VTK_build ]$ ls /Library/PostgreSQL/8.3/lib/<br>libecpg.6.0.dylib* libecpg.dylib@ libecpg_compat.a libpgtypes.3.0.dylib* libpgtypes.dylib@ libpq.a<br>
libecpg.6.dylib@ libecpg_compat.3.0.dylib* libecpg_compat.dylib@ libpgtypes.3.dylib@ libpq.5.1.dylib* libpq.dylib@<br>libecpg.a libecpg_compat.3.dylib@ libpgport.a libpgtypes.a libpq.5.dylib@ postgresql/<br>
[ dweber@elegans ~/src/kitware/VTK_build ]$ <br><br><br>Is this a simple problem of loading up an LD path or something so the build can find it? What's the best way to do this on OSX?<br><br>Thanks, Darren<br><br></div>