[vtk-developers] vtkRenderingOpenGL2Cxx-TestDepthOfFieldPass ERRORs

Ben Boeckel ben.boeckel at kitware.com
Mon Oct 26 22:32:51 EDT 2015

On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 01:43:59 +0000, Andras Lasso wrote:
> The mechanism that I wrote about is useful for catching all
> errors/warnings logged by any class during any test. It can detect
> real errors that might otherwise go unnoticed.

The branch handles this by failing the test (via a CTest property) if
ERROR is in its output.

> Grabbing errors with observer works well for verifying that expected
> error events are invoked, but it will not detect unexpected errors.
> Parsing the test output with a regexp works for catching any
> unexpected errors, but it is difficult to manage when there are
> expected errors, too.

The idea is to capture expected errors via vtkErrorObserver and verify
that they are the expected error. Anything not expected there or not
caught triggers the CTest property to have it fail on ERROR output. Is
this not the same outcome?


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