[vtk-developers] Query about vtkDebugLeaks

Deepak Surti dmsurti at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 02:03:22 EST 2015


I am using vtkDebugLeaks. Using this example here:
if I *insert
this line* : (after lines 10 and 82 in main function):


when, I run the script, I get the following on the console:

vtkDebugLeaks has detected LEAKS!
Class "vtkObjectFactoryCollection" has 1 instance still around.
Class "vtkBoxMuellerRandomSequence" has 1 instance still around.
Class "vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence" has 1 instance still around.

vtkDebugLeaks has detected LEAKS!
Class "vtkObjectFactoryCollection" has 1 instance still around.
Class "vtkBoxMuellerRandomSequence" has 1 instance still around.
Class "vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence" has 1 instance still around.

If I comment out all the del <python_obj> lines in the script, obviously I
get a whole lot of memory leaks detected, as expected.

My question is about the 3 leaks detected as in the trace above, with all
the del <python_obj> in place.

Are these 3 not leaks, but reports created by static initializers (as
mentioned by David E DMarie here:

Also, if I write a test case to ensure no memory leaks are reported, I
cannot use the test: vtk.vtkDebugLeaks.PrintCurrentLeaks() == 0. Or if the
above are indeed not leaks, but only reports, will
vtk.vtkDebugLeaks.PrintCurrentLeaks() == 1 be a reliable test case?

I have attached 2 python scripts for reference, cube.py (with
vtk.vtkDebugLeaks and del <<python_object>> statements in place) and
cube_mem_leaks.py (vtk.vtkDebugLeaks and del <<python_object>> statements


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