[vtk-developers] vtkExtractSelectedIds (v5.10) performance of selection including containing cells

Andreas Buykx A.Buykx at tnodiana.com
Fri Oct 11 05:44:08 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I have a performance problem when I use vtkExtractSelectedIds with including the containing cells. I was studying the code and found a strange for-loop in the block below (vtkExtractSelectedIds.cxx v5.10, line 870). The loop variable j is used both in the 1st for-loop and in the 3rd for-loop. The first for-loop's j value is never used, but it gets reset to a low value every time the if-statement above the 3rd for-loop is true.  I suspect this is not intended.

      if (containingCells)
        for (vtkIdType j = 0; j < input->GetNumberOfPoints(); j++)
          input->GetPointCells(ptId, ptCells);
          for (i = 0; i < ptCells->GetNumberOfIds(); ++i)
            cellId = ptCells->GetId(i);
            if (!passThrough && !invert && cellInArray->GetValue(cellId) != flag)
              input->GetCellPoints(cellId, cellPts);
              for (j = 0; j < cellPts->GetNumberOfIds(); ++j)
                pointInArray->SetValue(cellPts->GetId(j), flag);
            cellInArray->SetValue(cellId, flag);

Andreas Buykx
Senior Software Engineer

Software Developers and Analysis Consultants for Civil and Geotechnical Engineering

Delftechpark 19a, 2628 XJ, Delft, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 88 34262 15 (Direct) │ Tel: +31 88 34262 00 (Switchboard) │ +31 88 34262 99 (Fax)

...be green keep it on screen

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