[vtk-developers] Re: vtkpython_pyc target dependencies

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Jul 26 15:52:51 EDT 2005

Which version of cmake are you using? Is you VTK up-to-date? There were 
a few fixed committed later yesterday and today.


Andrew Maclean wrote:

>I am not sure it is wholly fixed, I am still getting the following error in
>Visual Studio .NET (VC 7.1):
>python.exe - Unable to locate component.
>The application failed to start because vtkCommon.ddl was not found.
>Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
>The specific areas are:
>1) ----->
>------ Build started: Project: ParallelPythonTests, Configuration: Release
>Win32 ------
>Building Converting Tcl test
>DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
>Cannot find list of classes. Please provide -f <file> option
>Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Building
>Converting Tcl test
>Then similar messages for the following projects (affected files in
> ParallelPythonTests (TestPDataSetReaderGrid.py), FilteringPythonTests
>(PerlinNoise.py), GraphicsPythonTests (warplens.py), ImagingPythonTests
>(voxelModel.py), IOPythonTests (TestMHD.py), RenderingPythonTests
>(TestTriangleStripCellColor.py), VolumeRenderingPythonTests
>(volTM2DRotateClip.py), HybridPythonTests (xyPlot4.py), 
>I hope this helps.
>   Andrew
>Andrew J. P. Maclean
>Centre for Autonomous Systems
>The Rose Street Building J04
>The University of Sydney  2006  NSW
>Ph: +61 2 9351 3283
>Fax: +61 2 9351 7474
>URL: http://www.cas.edu.au/

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