[vtk-developers] deprecate vtkInteractorStyleTrackball

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Fri Apr 26 00:57:52 EDT 2002

>>>>> "SB" == Sebastien BARRE <sebastien.barre at kitware.com> writes:

    SB> Hi I think we should deprecate the vtkInteractorStyleTrackball
    SB> class. It is, at least, duplicated code (and for some
    SB> functions triple code). It might be confusing for VTK users to
    SB> leave this whole pice of nasty code here, and it's a pain to
    SB> maintain.

    SB> What about we make it derived from vtkInteractorStyleSwitch
    SB> and just write the constructor so that it sets the switch to
    SB> trackball mode automatically (and issue a "deprecated"
    SB> warning). The functionality, as far as I know, would be the
    SB> same.

    SB> I'll commit a new round of interactor-styles clean-up tonite
    SB> or tomorrow.

I'm confused and dont understand what you mean.  Do you mean that the
trackball style itself is deprecated or will you rework the trackball
code so that it is written differently?  I'm opposed to removing the
trackball style.  Why should the trackball style be deprecated and not
the joystick? I.e. will the users be able to use
interactorStyleSwitch, hit the 't' key and see trackball interaction?


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