<div dir="ltr"><div><div>If anyone hasn't built VIAME yet, now's a decent time to try doing it before the hackathon. I've created a second git release tag from today's source (2016-09-15-Pre-Hackathon-Rele<wbr>ase) that's relatively stable and has a few new features compared to the first. To update it, in [viame_source] run:<br><br></div><div>git fetch -p<br></div><div>git checkout 2016-09-15-Pre-Hackathon-Relea<wbr>se<br></div><div>git submodule update --init --recursive<br></div><div><br></div><div>Then rebuild.<br></div><div><br>Here's some quick notes on any issues w.r.t. different build systems and what VIAME features they support to the extent of my knowledge:<br><b><br></b></div><div><b>Linux:</b><br><br></div><div>Ubuntu 14.04+/Fedora 19+/CentOS/RHEL 6+ : GCC/G++ - Full support, can encounter some simple build issues highlighted on the build instructions "known issues" page (<a href="https://github.com/Kitware/VIAME/blob/master/doc/install_guide.rst" target="_blank">https://github.com/Kitware/VI<wbr>AME/blob/master/doc/install_gu<wbr>ide.rst</a>), but once you get past any of them you should be set. If using ENABLE_PYTHON, using python 2.7 is best, possible(?) issues with 3.3. When ENABLE_DOC and ENABLE_PYTHON turned on build sometimes fails, but running make again causes it to succeed.<br></div><div><br><div><b>Mac</b>:<br></div><div><br></div>OSX (Apple) 10.11 : Clang -
Full support - runtime issues with 1 of the included GUIs, will fix
soon. Also, setup_viame.sh has been fixed to work on mac not just linux.<br><br>OSX
(Apple) 10.10 : Clang - 90% support - possible issue with a couple
enable flags (CAFFE, VXL?) deps on compiler version and hopefully not
hard to fix in person.<br><br></div><div><b>Windows:</b><br><br></div><div>Windows 7/8/10 : Visual Studio 2013 64-bit - 90% support but requires external caffe build for caffe users. Fixed some issues with DLLs being put in wrong locations requiring manual moves to the install tree. Issues with ENABLE_KWANT and possibly ENABLE_PYTHON flags remain. Could also use a windows .bat equivalent of the setup_viame.sh script for certain EXEs.<br><br></div><div>Windows 7/8/10 : Visual Studio 2015 64-bit - Now builds, but still offers only basic support for a few features, recommend using 2013 still (you can still get the community edition of '13 for free and I have both '15, '13, and '10 on my laptop side by side). Several ENABLE_* flags still not building on first go, requiring local hacks for them.<br></div><div><br>Thanks<br></div><div>-MD<br clear="all"></div><div><div><br>-- <br><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div>Matthew Dawkins<br><a href="tel:1-518-881-4416" value="+15188814416" target="_blank">1-518-881-4416</a><br>Senior R&D Engineer<br>Kitware, Inc<br></div></div></div></div></div>