[Ves] Webinar Kiwiviewer Relesae 2.0. Feedbak

Carlos ves at calculoandamios.com
Thu Mar 21 12:16:44 EDT 2013

Hi Pat,


This sounds really well. I will try to compile on Windows next week and I
will give you some feedback.






De: Pat Marion [mailto:pat.marion at kitware.com] 
Enviado el: jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013 9:46
Para: Carlos
CC: ves at public.kitware.com
Asunto: Re: [Ves] Webinar Kiwiviewer Relesae 2.0. Feedbak


Hi Carlos,

Thank you for your feedback, it is very much appreciated.

Regarding debugging code: if you use the current version of master, there is
now support for compiling ves/kiwi on the desktop using desktop GL instead
of GLES2.  There are test programs in src/kiwi/Testing that use GLUT to open
GL windows and run ves and kiwi code on the desktop.  While I haven't tried
compiling these tests on Windows, I can verify that it works well on Linux
and OSX.  I believe you can build freeglut on Windows and use that.

When I develop kiwi apps, I try to put as much logic as possible in the C++
layer and use Java or Objective-C only for native user interface code.  This
way, you can test most of your app code using your preferred IDE and
debugger using your desktop's native architecture.  Of course, this is not a
perfect substitute for testing the app on a real iOS or Android device, but
the compile/run/debug cycle is much more efficient.

As a start, you could look at the test file
src/kiwi/Testing/TestKiwiViewer.cpp.  For build instructions, I updated the
README in Apps/iOS to describe how to do an out-of-source build.   Just
create a build directory, configure with cmake, and enable
VES_HOST_SUPERBUILD to get a build that uses desktop GL.


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 6:22 PM, Carlos <ves at calculoandamios.com> wrote:



I would like to thank you the presentation you made last Thursday about the
new version of Kiwiviewer. I really appreciate it and I also would like to
give you some comments  just in case they can be useful.


·         The new features are cool and the look of the Kiwi version for the
Ipad is really nice, much better than the previous version.

·         I consider that it can be used without or with minor modifications
as a VTK viewer for  mobile devices even for commercial purposes.

·         The connection with paraview shown in the webinar and the
possibility of using it as a remote viewer are also very interesting.

·         I previously had downloaded the Ipad version but I think that a 20
min. webinar is quite short for showing all the capabilities of the app. for
the general audience.

·         A new webinar showing technical details as it was mentioned would
be really interesting. I suggest to present the VES structure and also some
tools to use it.

·         I think that the documentation available will be greatly improved
with the recorded webinar and the related presentation. Additionally it
would be really helpful if the documentation you are preparing for the GTC
2013 will be available.



Personally I’m a VTK user / developer in Windows and I would like to port
some features to mobile devices. I think that the App. is really great and
can be used as a viewer created with VTK in an easy and professional way.
But if you want to create a customized app  using VES there are three main
points to solve:


1.       Learn java / eclipse for android apps.

2.       Buy a Mac and repeat point Nº1 for IOS

3.       Manage for debugging VES code. 


I find point Nº 3 as the most difficult (not tried Nº 2 yet). Actually I’m
able to compile VES in windows following the instructions on the web and
create some android apps, but I do not know how to debug C code on eclipse.
I take some inputs returning control points in variables, but it is
something painful and if something crash is almost impossible to guess the
cause.  In this case, adding new features is difficult.

I understood in the webinar that this situation could be overpassed using
Xcode in IOS as it should be possible to compile and debug. This can be an
option as it is a must to create apps. for iOS.  I assume that it would be
also possible to do it in the same way using eclipse as it also has C++
compiler capabilities, but I’m not been able to create a working eclipse
project with CMake in windows.


Again I appreciate the effort and support from the Kitware’s VES team and
I’m sure that in the near future more and more people will be interested on
this framework.


Best regards,













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