[Ves] subject: about build kiwiviewer 2.0 on iOS

Pat Marion pat.marion at kitware.com
Tue Apr 2 19:09:14 EDT 2013

Thanks for the writeup, that's very helpful!


On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:18 PM, Laurent Paul <laurent.paul at uclouvain.be>wrote:

>  Dear Developpers,
> I've foudn out how to attach the sample data.
> So, to avoid future questions:
> I've added the files to the xcode project. In the "project navigator",
> develop the project "KiwiViewer", display the content of the directory
> "KiwiViewer", there's a directory called "resources", and again inside,
> there's "datasets". Right click "Add files..." and give th sample datasets.
> I've uncommented the content of unpackSampleData, and built the project.
> That's it.
> Laurent.
> Le 29/03/2013 13:43, Laurent Paul a écrit :
> Dear Pat, dear Deng,
> Where do I have to paste the sample data? Or where can I say to xcode
> where he can find these?
> I have pasted them almost everywhere :-) ... with no success.
> Once commented out, the simulator is working fine. I've downloaded a 3D
> file from an URL, and everything is perfect! Cool!
> In the same way, where is located the directory "Downloads" of the
> Kiwiviewer App?
> I have found the physical location....
> Many thanks,
> Laurent.
> Le 28/03/2013 17:59, 邓卓夫 a écrit :
> Hi pat,
>     Sorry to give you so much trouble.
>     In my last ves mail which was posted just 20 minutes ago, I said the
> simulator soon crashed as your 2 instructions and I want to know why.
>     But just now I use ipad to test the code and It works well strangely.
> puzzle me!!
>     So why the modified codes soon crashed in the simulator but works
> well in the ipad???
>  Deng zhuofu
> kiwi fan
> -----原始邮件-----
> *发件人:* "Pat Marion" <pat.marion at kitware.com> <pat.marion at kitware.com>
> *发送时间:* 2013年3月28日 星期四
> *收件人:* "邓卓夫" <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn> <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn>
> *抄送:* ves at public.kitware.com
> *主题:* Re: Re: [Ves] subject: about build kiwiviewer 2.0 on iOS
> Hi,
> It might be crashing when it tries to copy the bundled sample datasets.
> In the branch I pushed, I did not include the sample datasets because I
> don't want to add them to the git repository.  You could either download
> the sample datasets ( https://midas3.kitware.com/midas/folder/9479 ) and
> add them to your xcode project, or comment out the code in
> DocumentsTableViewController.m where it unpacks the sample data.  Just add
> a return statement at the very top of the unpackSampleData() function.
> Pat
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 3:06 AM, 邓卓夫 <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>     I will describe the errors in detail.
>>     1)  as your instructions, I create a new folder named frameworks and
>> put the kiwi, dropbox and pcl frameworks in it.
>>    2)  when I rerun the project,it errors that Eigen/Dense not found. So
>> also as your instruction I check the Header Search Paths, and find there
>> are .../kiwi.frameworks/Headers, so WHY?  Then I check the kiwi.framework
>> and find that the Eigen as folder exists in the /kiwi.frameworks/Headers.
>> So I guess whether xcode cannot search subfolder in
>> the /kiwi.frameworks/Headers. So I add a new
>> path $(frameworks_dir)/kiwi.framework/Headers/eigen in it and no errors.
>>     3) Although it works and when I want to run on the simulator but it
>> produce 70 more warnings and Suddenly exit showing FINISHED RUNNING
>> KIWIVIEWER ON IPAD SIMULATOR  . For example, the warning is that
>>      UITextAlignmentCenter is deprecated. first deprecated in iOS 6.0
>> ...............
>>        ld: warning: ignoring file ../frameworks/pcl.framework/pcl,
>> missing required architecture i386 in file ../frameworks/pcl.framework/pcl
>> (1 slices)
>> ld: warning: direct access in
>> std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base_impl<vesTextureCoordinateVertexAttribute*,
>> std::tr1::_Sp_deleter<vesTextureCoordinateVertexAttribute>,
>> (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::~_Sp_counted_base_impl() to global weak symbol
>> vtable for std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2> means the
>> weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by
>> different translation units being compiled with different visibility
>> settings.
>> ld: warning: direct access in
>> std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base_impl<vesColorVertexAttribute*,
>> std::tr1::_Sp_deleter<vesColorVertexAttribute>,
>> (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::~_Sp_counted_base_impl() to global weak symbol
>> vtable for std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2> means the
>> weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by
>> different translation units being compiled with different visibility
>> settings.
>> ld: warning: direct access in
>> std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base_impl<vesNormalVertexAttribute*,
>> std::tr1::_Sp_deleter<vesNormalVertexAttribute>,
>> (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::~_Sp_counted_base_impl() to global weak symbol
>> vtable for std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2> means the
>> weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by
>> different translation units being compiled with different visibility
>> settings.
>> ld: warning: direct access in
>> std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base_impl<vesNormalVertexAttribute*,
>> std::tr1::_Sp_deleter<vesNormalVertexAttribute>,
>> (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::~_Sp_counted_base_impl() to global weak symbol
>> vtable for std::tr1::_Sp_counted_base<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2> means the
>> weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by
>> different translation units being compiled with different visibility
>> settings.
>> ...............
>>    ..........
>>    Finally it suspended. But I do not know why?
>>  4)  Finally I guess maybe the simulator is just a process in the os and
>> it may not support the test very well. SO I intend to test on the iPad.
>> When the app start it suddenly suspend also. And in the xcode an exception
>> is thrown out in the DocumentsTableViewController.m and the located line is
>> :
>>        if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:srcFile toPath
>> :destFile error:nil]) {
>>     return destFile;
>>   }
>>  Above all, Please help me resolve these problems. Whether my
>> configuration for the kiwiviewer has some mistakes leads to the problems.
>> What is the right way?
>>  Thank you very much!
>>  Deng Zhuofu
>>   kiwi fan
>>   -----原始邮件-----
>> *发件人:* "Pat Marion" <pat.marion at kitware.com>
>> *发送时间:* 2013年3月26日 星期二
>> *收件人:* "邓卓夫" <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn>
>> *抄送:* ves at public.kitware.com
>> *主题:* Re: [Ves] subject: about build kiwiviewer 2.0 on iOS
>>   You still need to provide more information before we can help you.
>> Where did you put the frameworks?  You should create a directory in
>> Apps/iOS called frameworks and put them in there.
>> Please check that the headers are actually found in the
>> kiwi.framework/Headers directory (they should be).
>> In Xcode, go to build settings and look at the settings for Header Search
>> Paths.  You should see: "../frameworks/kiwi.framework/Headers".  Verify the
>> headers are there.
>> Pat
>>  On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 1:25 AM, 邓卓夫 <dengzf at swc.neu.edu.cn> wrote:
>>> Hello developers,
>>>        There is a problem which puzzles me a week, Please help me!
>>>        A week ago, I posted my question that How to build the
>>> kiwiviewer 2.0 on iOS. Experts has replied me but I did not succeed. As the
>>> instruction, I download the dropbox.framework and import them into the
>>> project. I also download pcl.framework and kiwi.framework from the
>>> packages.kitware.com and also import them.
>>>       So next step, through the adding files the project I import these
>>> 3 frameworks. But There are always errors that for examples the
>>> vesMidasClient.h and some others .h file can not found. So I want to know
>>> why it produce so many errors? Is the way I add framework wrong? Please
>>> tell me the right way how to build kiwiviewer 2.0 on ios in details.
>>>     Thank you very much really!
>>>  Deng
>>>  a fan for k iwiviewer
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