[Ves] Create .vti file from a series of images

Pop Silviu silviupop90 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 6 10:05:44 EST 2012

Hello again,
I managed to convert my image stack into a vti file using http://www.kitware.com/products/volview.html 
The volume seems fine when I open it with ParaView but when I open it with KiwiView I can't see the volume (I can only see 3 planes that I can move around).
I'm attaching the vti file that I'm using, maybe someone can point me in the right direction.

Thanks for your time,
Silviu Pop

 From: Pat Marion <pat.marion at kitware.com>
To: Pop Silviu <silviupop90 at yahoo.com> 
Cc: "ves at public.kitware.com" <ves at public.kitware.com> 
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2012 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Ves] Create .vti file from a series of images

VES does not contain code to produce a 3D volume from an imags stack, but you could accomplish it using custom VTK code.  Perhaps the easiest solution is to convert your image stack into a 3d image format that you can open in ParaView (http://www.paraview.org)  Paraview can open a variety of image formats, and can save out the data to the .vti format.


On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Pop Silviu <silviupop90 at yahoo.com> wrote:

>I'm building an application for medical image processing that will run on the iPad for my bachelor's thesis.
>I'm trying to add 3D visualisation of the data sets to the app. (something similar to the behavior of Kiwi when loading "head.vti")
>How can I build a .vti file out of a series of images? Is there any class in VES that can accomplish this or do I have to write an XML file like "head.vti"?
>I tried googling a solution and found out about vtkXMLImageWriter but once I include the file "vtkXMLImageWriter.h" in my project I get 90+ errors.
>Thanks in advance for your time,Silviu Pop
>Ves mailing list
>Ves at public.kitware.com
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