<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_quote"><div style="word-wrap:break-word"><div><div><br><blockquote type="cite"><div><div style="word-wrap:break-word"><h1>Visualization Showcase</h1><div><hr><p><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">Important Dates:<br></span>February 16, 2016: <strong>Submissions open</strong><br>July 31, 2016: <strong>Submissions deadline</strong><br>September 1, 2016: <strong>Notifications sent</strong></p><hr><p><strong>A new format for 2016!</strong></p><p>SC16’s Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase Program provides a forum for the year’s most instrumental movies in HPC. This year, there will be both a live display throughout the conference so that attendees can experience and enjoy the latest in science and engineering HPC results expressed through state-of-the-art visualization technologies, and a session at SC16 dedicated to the best of the submissions.</p><p>Selected entries will be displayed live in a museum/art gallery format and six finalists will compete for the Best Visualization Award, with each finalist presenting his or her movie in a 15-minute presentation.</p><p>Movies are judged based on how their movie illuminates science, by the quality of the movie, and for innovations in the process used for creating the movie.</p><p>The six finalist submissions will appear as short papers on the SC16 webpage and archive. </p><p><strong>Review and selection process:</strong></p><p>Submissions need to include a movie (up to 250MB in size) and a short paper (up to 4 pages including references). The short paper should describe the scientific story conveyed by the movie, how the visualization helps scientific discovery, and the “state-of-the-practice†information (<a href="http://ieeevis.org/" target="_blank">ieeevis.org</a>)information behind making the movie.</p><p>Each submission will be peer reviewed by the Visualization and Data Analytics Showcase Committee. Criteria for review include:</p><ul><li>How effective is the visual communication of the data?</li><li>How relevant to the HPC community is the visualization?</li><li>What is the impact of the science story and how well is it told?</li><li>What visualization techniques were necessary to create the movie?</li></ul><p>Finally, submissions should support SC16’s overall theme “HPC matters.â€</p><div><a href="http://sc16.supercomputing.org/submitters/showcases/scientific-visualization-showcase/" target="_blank">http://sc16.supercomputing.org/submitters/showcases/scientific-visualization-showcase/</a></div><p><strong>Web Submissions:</strong> <a href="https://submissions.supercomputing.org/" target="_blank">https://submissions.supercomputing.org/</a></p><p><strong>Email Contact:</strong> <a href="mailto:vis_showcase@info.supercomputing.org" target="_blank">vis_showcase@info.supercomputing.org</a></p><p><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">SC16 Visualization Showcase Chair</span><br>Chris Johnson, University of Utah</p><p><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">SC16 Visualization Showcase Vice Chair</span><br>Kristin Potter, University of Oregon</p></div></div><br><br></div></blockquote></div><br></div></div></div><br></div>