<div style="line-height:1.7;color:#000000;font-size:14px;font-family:Arial"><div>Utkarsh,</div><div>Thank you very much for your help! I tried as you said, but still the error. Did i lack of some settings?</div><div><br></div><div><p style="margin: 0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Courier'; font-size:9pt; color:#800000;">Traceback (most recent call last):</span></p>
<p style="margin: 0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Courier'; font-size:9pt; color:#800000;"> File "<string>", line 19, in <module></span></p>
<p style="margin: 0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Courier'; font-size:9pt; color:#800000;"> File "<string>", line 6, in RequestData</span></p>
<p style="margin: 0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Courier'; font-size:9pt; color:#800000;">NameError: global name 'vtkPLYReader' is not defined</span></p></div><div>Thanks,</div><div>dxy</div><pre>At 2015-05-22 22:18:34, "Utkarsh Ayachit" <utkarsh.ayachit@kitware.com> wrote:
>ParaView has certain overhead when a new source/filter is created. It
>will need some more profiling, but creating 500+ readers would indeed
>push things closer to that limit. ParaView/VTK typically uses
>composite datasets/multiblock datasets for handling multiple parts of
>the same dataset. Here's a "Script" for the Python programmable filter
>that can open all the PLY files as a single multblock dataset.
># 0. Create the "Programmable Source" from the Sources menu.
># 1. Set the Output DataSet Type to "vtkMultiBlockDataSet".
># 2. Set as the "Script"
>output = self.GetOutput()
>cc = 0
>for i in range(1, 538):
> filename = "/tmp/data/%03d.ply" % i
> reader = vtkPLYReader()
> reader.SetFileName(filename)
> reader.Update()
> output.SetBlock(cc, reader.GetOutputDataObject(0))
> del reader
> cc = cc + 1
>On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 10:37 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit
><utkarsh.ayachit@kitware.com> wrote:
>> Not sure what exactly are you seeing. If you have a sample dataset to
>> share, that'll make it easier.
>> Thanks
>> Utkarsh
>> On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 10:32 AM, dxy <dingxyan@163.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your reply. I tried as you said, it doesn't work. I use a
>>> computer of 16G of memory, it can render out. Then I use 538 ply files, they
>>> are 11.9MB altogether, but when renderd, it will use 6G memory, either the
>>> display lists turned on or off. Why it is this?
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> dxy
>>> At 2015-05-20 20:22:42, "Utkarsh Ayachit" <utkarsh.ayachit@kitware.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>Try turning of display lists. In ParaView4.1 it was setting named
>>>>"Immediate mode rendering" under the Settings dialog. You'll need to
>>>>enable the checkbox.
>>>>On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 4:34 AM, δΈζη <dingxyan@163.com> wrote:
>>>>> Dear,
>>>>> I use the paraview of Version4.1, and the memory of my computer
>>>>> is
>>>>> 4G. When I load about 190 ply files at the same time, there will be
>>>>> errors
>>>>> about out of memory, but it runs normally when the number of the file is
>>>>> less than 190.
>>>>> The error message as shown below:
>>>>> ERROR: In
>>>>> C:\DBD\pvs-x32\paraview\src\paraview\VTK\Rendering\OpenGL\vtkOpenGLCoincidentTopologyResolutionPainter.cxx,
>>>>> line 176
>>>>> vtkOpenGLCoincidentTopologyResolutionPainter (7A9A9938): failed after
>>>>> RenderShiftZBuffer 1 OpenGL errors detected
>>>>> 0 : (1285) Out of memory
>>>>> ERROR: In
>>>>> C:\DBD\pvs-x32\paraview\src\paraview\VTK\Rendering\OpenGL\vtkOpenGLDisplayListPainter.cxx,
>>>>> line 188
>>>>> vtkOpenGLDisplayListPainter (7AAE3358): failed after RenderInternal 1
>>>>> OpenGL
>>>>> errors detected
>>>>> 0 : (1285) Out of memory
>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>> Yours truly,
>>>>> dxy
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