<div><font face="Times New Roman"><i>Hi everyone</i></font></div><div><b><font face="Times New Roman"> <font size="4"> It troubles me for times. </font></font></b></div><div><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="4"> I have a series of particles vtk files at different time step. And I want to track certain particles and extract them or color them with a uniform color. I tried to use "find data" and include the particle id with "is one of " option. However, it crashed due to overload of compute capacity. About 8 thousand particles is intended for tracking.</font></b></div><div><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="4"> Furthermore, at the begining, the particles of interest located at the upper layer, coordinatesZ>0, for example. And I want to extract them from the whole.</font></b></div><div><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="4"> Could any one help me? Thanks in advance!</font></b></div><div><font face="Times New Roman" size="5"><br></font></div><div><font face="Times New Roman" size="4">Chenshu Hu</font></div>