I want to connect to a ParaView server from the ParaView client using python. Im using Paraview 3.2.1. Following the procedure found on <a href="http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:pvpython">http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:pvpython</a> Im using the code:<br>
<br>import paraview<br>connection=paraview.Connect()<br><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span>paraview.ActiveConnection=connection<br><br>
The connection works but it has no name. Also the previous connection doesnt disappear and now I have two 3D displays. But the strange thing is that when I delete manually the first (the one that was there before, the "builtin") connection (clicking on it and chosing "Delete") then the connection I created, the new one, suddenly becomes useless - when I try to open the
File->Open dialog or add a new source an error comes up saying "No active server
selected" !<br>
The same thing happens when using a c++ plugin with a code:<br><br>
vtkProcessModule *promod=vtkProcessModule::GetProcessModule();<br>
promod->ConnectToRemote("localhost",port);<br><br>The best would be if the state after connection was like the state you get after clicking the Connect button in ParaView GUI - the previous connection disappears and the new one has a name. <br>
How can I do it from inside the C++ code/python ?<br><br><br><br>