Hello ParaView users, <br><br>I am (used to be) a MayaVi user for quite some time now.<br>Recently however, I discovered ParaView and I think that it is considerably better. I particularly enjoy the Clip option that was not available in MayaVi1.<br>
<br>My question is as follows:<br>I run my FE computations and export unstructured_grid VTK files. Everything looks ok except that I cannot extract part of the grid. For example, elements 51-105. Which filter and how should I use? I should mention that the "Extract Subset" filter is DISABLED. In MayaVi there was the Filter "ExtractUnstructuredGrid" that would do the job, but I can't find anything similar here.<br>
<br>Thanks for any help in advance,<br>dqdev<br><br>ps. My VTK file has the following form:<br><br># vtk DataFile Version 3.0<br>Adventitia example: 0.01209<br>ASCII<br>DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID<br>POINTS 4284 FLOAT<br>
1.50000 -5.00000 -0.25000<br> 1.44729 -4.76140 -0.23984<br> 1.31713 -4.77895 -0.22776<br> 1.35000 -5.00000 -0.25000<br> .....................<br> .....................<br>CELLS 3000 27000<br>
8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br> 8 1 8 9 2 5 10 11 6<br> 8 8 12 13 9 10 14 15 11<br> ......................<br> ......................<br>
CELL_TYPES 3000 <br>12<br>12<br>12<br>12<br>........<br>........<br>POINT_DATA 4284 <br>VECTORS DISPL float<br> 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000<br> -0.05271 0.03860 0.01016<br> -0.03287 0.02105 0.02224<br>
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000<br> 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000<br> ........................<br> ........................<br>