I have compiled ParaView3.2.1 on a linux cluster with OpenMPI. The compilations goes fine. I launch the pvserver as<BR>
/home/raashid/openmpi_install/bin/mpirun -np 5 -hostfile nodes ./pvserver --use-offscreen-rendering<BR>
The pvserver starts without any problem and listens to paraview client<BR>
When I connect the paraview client on my linux desktop to the head node of the linux cluster, it shows the message "Display is not accessible on the server side. Remote rendering will be disabled." on a pop-up window with an OK button, by pushing OK button the waring message disappears, but while trying to visualize large geometries all the resulting rendering is done on Client, instead of server and the memory usage on the client shoots up and client system becomes unusable.<BR>
A similar problem was reported on the mailing list previously <BR>
and it was suggested to change the permissions on your X server.<BR>
Can someone please tell me how to do it ?<BR>
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