I have build ParaView3 sources on my local desktop machine and a remote server. I plan to use the ParaView3 in client/server mode. The sources are compiled with openmpi and osmesa on both the client and server. I have enabled password less ssh from my desktop to server.<BR>
The problem is that when I start the pvserver on server and try to connect the paraview client through command line option, the client fails to connect to the server and displays an error.<BR>
On server side the pvserver runs without a problem.<BR>
[raashid@n0 ~]$ cd src/cvs/ParaView3-unix-new/bin/<BR>
[raashid@n0 bin]$ ./pvserver <BR>
Listen on port: 11111<BR>
Waiting for client...<BR>
On client side.<BR>
raashid@ICC-PUNE-DSK-20:~/src/cvs/ParaView3-unix-new/bin$ ./paraview --server=<BR>
ERROR: In /home/raashid/src/cvs/ParaView3/VTK/Parallel/vtkClientSocket.cxx, line 53<BR>
vtkClientSocket (0x872a4a8): Failed to connect to server<BR>
I have no clue what is the problem ? Why is the error pointed to a file in the source directory and not the build directory ? any help is welcome.
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