Hi,<br><br><br><br>I need to know how Paraview updates objects. I mean, for example, I'm modifiying <br> <br>vtkPVVolumeAppearanceEditor::VolumePropertyInternalCallback( )<br><br>to get some info I need to render volumes, and need to pass it to the mapper. I created a new class that stores this info, and added it to the mapper, so now I want to now how ParaView does a "mapper->SetMyClass(vtkMyClass* myClass);"
<br><br>I know vtkPVVolumeAppearanceEditor::VolumePropertyInternalCallback( ) calls vtkSMProxy::UpdateVTKObjects(), but I don't get the idea.<br><br>Can anyone explain this to me or give me some hints??<br><br><br>Thanks<br>