I have compiled paraview with mpi support using lam. I changed the standard c and c++ compilers for paraview too mpicc and mpic++ so that all the<br>mpi references where aviable. The build was correctly compiled, the problem comes when trying to launch the standalone version of paraview.
<br><br>When launching /bin/paraview the error i get is "Floating point exception", using gdb to trace the error I get <br> New process 16350]<br><br> Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.<br> 0x05761ac6 in ?? ()
<br><br>Now if I try to run /bin/paraview with mpirun -np 1, it tells me that paraview did not invoke MPI_INIT before quitting. The problem seems to only <br>happen with standalone version, as /bin/pvserver runs perfectly fine with mpirun