Hi All,<br><br>I added the vtkTIFFReader class to paraview and tried to open tiff files. It worked fine for smaller files of arnd 5-6mb but when i tried opening a .tif file of size 65mb, paraview crashed with the errror below:
<br><br>ErrorMessage<br># Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in file: /root/Project/ParaView-2.6-Source/VTK/Common/vtkDataArrayTemplate.txx (266)<br> vtkIdTypeArray (0xd83f980): Unable to allocate 184320470 elements of size 8 bytes.
<br>ErrorMessage end<br><br>I read jack's post about being unable to open large elevation files. What might be the issue here? I'm running Paraview 2.6 on a fedora core 6 machine with 3GB ram.<br><br>thanks,<br><br>
Bikash Agarwal<br>Virtual Reality Group<br>MIRARCO<br>