All,<br><br>I had a complete working filter in Paraview 2.5 that took in two inputs: Input (vtkDataSet) and Source (vtkMultiGroupDataSet). In porting the code over to work in 2.6 I stumber across the following error:<br><br>
Error or warning: There was a VTK Error in file: /root/paraview-2.6/VTK/Filtering/vtkExecutive.cxx (688)<br> vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0xe992e18): Algorithm vtkDistanceToGrid(0xeb0c550) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (0xebbe290)
<br> Debug: Off<br> Modified Time: 177879<br> Reference Count: 1<br> Registered Events: (none)<br> Request: REQUEST_DATA<br> FROM_OUTPUT_PORT: 0<br> GROUP: 0<br> ALGORITHM_AFTER_FORWARD: 1<br> FORWARD_DIRECTION: 0
<br> INDEX: 0<br>ErrorMessage end<br><br>The error is repeated for each group of the multigroup dataset input, with the GROUP: value incrementing.<br><br>Does anyone know of any possible changes through versions, or any other reason why this error would be occuring?
<br>I have included the pvsm and xml files below.<br><br>Thank You in advance<br>Shawn<br><br><br><br><ServerManagerConfiguration>
<br> <ProxyGroup name="filters">
<br> <SourceProxy name="DistanceToGrid" class="vtkDistanceToGrid">
<br> <InputProperty
<br> name="Source"
<br> command="SetSourceConnection">
<br> <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
<br> <Group name="sources"/>
<br> <Group name="filters"/>
<br> </ProxyGroupDomain>
<br> <DataTypeDomain name="input_type" composite_data_supported="1">
<br> <DataType value="vtkDataSet"/>
<br> </DataTypeDomain>
<br> </InputProperty>
<br> <InputProperty name="Input" command="AddInputConnection" clean_command="RemoveAllInputs" multiple_input="1">
<br> <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
<br> <Group name="sources"/>
<br> <Group name="filters"/>
<br> </ProxyGroupDomain>
<br> <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
<br> <DataType value="vtkDataSet"/>
<br> </DataTypeDomain>
<br> </InputProperty>
<br> </SourceProxy>
<br> </ProxyGroup>
<br> <ServerManagerFile name="DistanceToGrid.pvsm"/>
<br> <Module name="DistanceToGrid"
<br> root_name="distToGrid"
<br> replace_input="0"
<br> menu_name="Distance To Grid"
<br> module_type="Filter"
<br> long_help="distToGrid"
<br> short_help="distToGrid">
<br> <Filter class="vtkDistanceToGrid">
<br> <Input name="Input" class="vtkDataSet"/>
<br> <Input name="Source" class="vtkDataSet"/>
<br> </Filter>
<br> <InputMenu trace_name="Input"
<br> property="Input"
<br> label="Grid/Voxet"
<br> help="Set the space to evaluate:"
<br> input_name="Input"
<br> initialize_with_current="1"/>
<br> <InputMenu trace_name="Source"
<br> property="Source"
<br> label="Drill Hole"
<br> help="Select the drill hole to measure distances:"
<br> input_name="Source"/>
<br></ModuleInterfaces> <br><br><br>