I need to add a new source into paraview. However, I found a problem.<br clear="all">I can add a new source into ParaView when the class that describes this source has a name initialized by vtk. <br>
Ex: vtkMyClass.h<br>
However, if I want to put other prefix, an error is reported.<br>
Ex: hmMyClass.h<br>
See the class:<br>
#ifndef __hmMyClass_h<br>
#define __hmMyClass_h<br>
#include "vtkConeSource.h"<br>
#include "hmCommonConfigure.h" <br>
// Na declaração da classe também deve entrar o nome do projeto<br>
class VTK_hmCommon_EXPORT hmMyClass : public vtkConeSource<br>
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);<br>
static hmMyClass* New();<br>
void SetTest(int v);<br>
hmMyClass(const hmMyClass&); // Not implemented.<br>
void operator=(const hmMyClass&); // Not implemented.<br>
The cmake command run without problens. When I rum make comand, the follow erro is reported:<br>
Generating hmMyClassClientServer.cxx<br>
syntax error<br>
*** SYNTAX ERROR found in parsing the header file /home/usuario/workspace/HeMoLab/src/common/hmMyClass.h before line 20 ***<br>
make[2]: *** [hmMyClassClientServer.cxx] Error 1<br>
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/hmCommon.dir/all] Error 2<br>
make: *** [all] Error 2<br>
Can I implement classes without prefix "vtk" ?<br>
Where do I change?<br>
Thank's<br>-- <br>Diego Mazala