[Paraview] particle traces from point data

Alex Barrie abarrie at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 08:55:44 EST 2017

Thanks, I see it now - I missed it because it wasn't in the "Temporal" tab.

When I apply this filter, however, I get an error about a missing
DATA_TIME_STEPS information key. Is this something I can specify or does it
have to be in the raw data somehow?


On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:13 PM, Joachim Pouderoux <
joachim.pouderoux at kitware.com> wrote:

> Alex,
> I think here the filter "Temporal Particles to Pathlines" should do the
> trick.
> Best,
> Joachim
> *Joachim Pouderoux*, PhD
> *Technical Expert - Scientific Computing Team*
> *Kitware SAS <http://www.kitware.fr>*
> 2017-11-29 14:33 GMT-04:00 Alex Barrie <abarrie at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I have animated particles which are imported from point data (x,y,z). I
>> want to add a particle trace, but I am not sure what to put for the 'seed'.
>> I am not using a vector field, but rather just a list of particle positions
>> that updates over time. How can I just add a trace to each particle in the
>> list?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
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