[Paraview] [Non-DoD Source] XDMF crash

Burns, Andrew J CTR USARMY RDECOM ARL (US) andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil
Wed Jan 25 10:58:59 EST 2017

This is because the Xdmf3 reader does not support the Hyperslab Timetype. One Time item per grid is the preferred method.

Andrew Burns
Software Engineer | SAIC
Phone: 410-306-0409
andrew.j.burns35.ctr at mail.mil

-----Original Message-----
From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Daniel Frisch
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 8:25 AM
To: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] [Paraview] XDMF crash

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I generated the following XDMF file and tried to open it in ParaView. When I open it, I get a dialog with three readers to choose: 
- XDMF reader
- XDMF3 reader
- XDMF3 reader (Top Level Partition)

I can open the file with "XDMF reader", but when I open it with the other two readers, ParaView (5.1.0 64-bit Mac) crashes. 

Application Specific Information:
terminating with uncaught exception of type XdmfError: 'Value' not in itemProperties in XdmfTime::populateItem
abort() called

But I generated the file according to this recommendation < Caution-http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats#Reading_a_time_varying_Raw_file_into_Paraview >  and according to the XDMF3 < Caution-http://www.xdmf.org/index.php/XDMF_Model_and_Format >  standard. When I try to open this public example < Caution-http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats#Reading_a_time_varying_Raw_file_into_Paraview >  with XDMF3 in ParaView, it crashes, too. 

Now this is the content of my XDMF file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>



        <Topology NumberOfElements="8" TopologyType="Triangle">

            <DataItem DataType="Int" Dimensions="8 3" Format="XML">2 5 1    2 6 5    2 7 6    2 3 7    8 7 3    4 8 3    1 5 4    8 4 5</DataItem>


        <Geometry GeometryType="XYZ">

            <DataItem Dimensions="9 3" Format="XML">-1 1 2    0 0 0    1 0 0    1 1 0    0 1 0    0 0 1    1 0 1    1 1 .2    0 1 .2</DataItem>


        <Grid CollectionType="Temporal" GridType="Collection" Name="TimeSeriesGrid">

            <Time TimeType="HyperSlab">

                <DataItem Dimensions="3" Format="XML" NumberType="Float">0.0 1.0 2</DataItem>


            <Grid GridType="Uniform" Name="T1">

                <Topology Reference="/Xdmf/Domain/Topology[1]"/>

                <Geometry Reference="/Xdmf/Domain/Geometry[1]"/>

                <Attribute Center="Node" Name="Values">

                    <DataItem Dimensions="9" Format="XML">0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8</DataItem>



            <Grid GridType="Uniform" Name="T2">

                <Topology Reference="/Xdmf/Domain/Topology[1]"/>

                <Geometry Reference="/Xdmf/Domain/Geometry[1]"/>

                <Attribute Center="Node" Name="Values">

                    <DataItem Dimensions="9" Format="XML">8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0</DataItem>






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