[Paraview] Embedding the Visualizer app in the browser within an iframe

claude claude at theweak.link
Wed Jan 11 09:32:32 EST 2017

Hi Debopam,

I think there is one thing to consider first before taking care of data
being passed through: if you manually start one instance of
pvw-visualizer, it means all people connecting to port 8080 will see the
same thing and act on the same viewer, which means potentially
conflicting with each other action (e.g. a probable disconnection for
everyone if one decide to exit maybe?). In that case, you need to have a
virtual server that will launch a new process every time someone connect
to port 8080. That way, all viewers are independent, the same person can
open several viewers, etc.

Now regarding the data being loaded at startup: you html index file
should have a function grabbing the 'data' parameter from a URL, a form,
a dropdown menu, etc. then sending it as a key to the Visualizer
application (so that the launcher knows which file to load at startup).

It would have been complicated to explain all the details in a email, so
I made a gist with all the files and "code" addressing both points
(launcher and data):


Note that this gist was gathered info from the Paraview Web and
Visualizer online documentations: kuddos to Paraview people.
2nd note: in that gist I'm giving the instructions for Apache server
(you could technically choose any other, e.g. NGinx) for Linux.  I see
you are on Windows: I don't know how Apache works on Windows but I
assume (and hope) the steps and config file should be similar.

I hope it helps! Good luck!

On 01/11/2017 04:10 AM, Debopam Ghoshal wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a requirement where our application will send a request to the
> paraview web server to render a specific file (which will be available
> in the data given directory) in the visualizer app, and this will be
> embedded within our application page as a iframe, whose source is the
> Visualizer app's index.html.
> We are using the pvpython.exe executable to start the paraview web
> server. The command used to start the server is:
> .\bin\pvpython.exe
> "C:\ParaView-5.2.0-Qt4-OpenGL2-MPI-Windows-64bit\share\paraview-5.2\web\visualizer\server\pvw-visualizer.py"
> --content
> "C:\ParaView-5.2.0-Qt4-OpenGL2-MPI-Windows-64bit\share\paraview-5.2\web\visualizer\www"
> --data "C:\ParaView-5.2.0-Qt4-OpenGL2-MPI-Windows-64bit\data" --port 8080
> From the command, we can see that the web content is being served from
> the C:\ParaView-5.2.0-Qt4-OpenGL2-MPI-Windows-64bit\share\paraview-5.2\web\visualizer\www directory.
> The index.html file uses the Visualizer.js script and calls the
> following functions:
> Visualizer.connect({ application: 'visualizer' });
> Visualizer.autoStopServer(10);
> Is there any way to find out the available functions in the
> Visualizer.js script and call them from our custom html file? What we
> intend to do is to update the index.html file and
> a. add a javascript function which will accept a filename to be rendered
> b. once the filename is received by this function, it will call the
> visualizer and display the specified file
> c. in the visualizer page, the open files tab should be hidden.
> Please let me know if you require any clarification.
> Cheers & Best Wishes,
> Debopam
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