[Paraview] Gradient filter: boundary effects

Zenker, Dr. Matthias Matthias.Zenker at erbe-med.com
Tue Sep 27 05:45:52 EDT 2016


when I use the gradient filter (unstructured dataset), I observe edge effects which are IMO unphysical. For the nodes on the outer boundary of my domain, the gradient magnitude is smaller than I would expect. The behavior is like the filter tries to use the adjacent nodes to calculate the gradient, and since there are none  outside the domain, it assumes zero and finds a lower result.
If so, I would consider this a bug - is there a fix or workaround?



Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH Firmensitz: 72072 Tuebingen Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian O. Erbe, Reiner Thede Registergericht: Stuttgart HRB 380137

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