[Paraview] Bug in XDMF reader ?

houssen houssen at ipgp.fr
Tue May 17 09:07:13 EDT 2016

Just to clarify, the scenario that makes problem is : select all cells, 
go to selection inspector, visualize (in 3D viewer) values on cells and 
/ or points (this triggers errors).
My understanding is that both xdmf (OK and KO) are valid and should 
work. OK.xdmf works (whatever PV version), but, KO.xdmf do not (whatever 
PV version).
The problem appears when attribute names differ on different grids : 
this looks (not sure) like a bug to me.

With PV5.0.0 + default XDMF reader (which should be XDMF2 if I 
understand correctly), I get :
Warning: In 
line 439
vtkLabeledDataMapper (0x36cc600): Could not find label array 
(NodeValues) in input.
Warning: In 
line 439
vtkLabeledDataMapper (0x36cc600): Could not find label array (NodeVal) 
in input.

Note : I tested with all point and cell values, only node values 
triggers error, cell values "do nothing".

With PV5.0.0 + XDMF3 reader, I get:
'Content' not found in itemProperties in XdmfArray::populateItem
Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing
exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must
reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'XdmfError'
   what():  'Content' not found in itemProperties in 

With PV4.0.1 + default XDMF reader (which should be XDMF2 if I 
understand correctly), I get :
Warning: In 
line 442
vtkLabeledDataMapper (0x97f2140): Could not find label array (CellVal) 
in input.
Warning: In 
line 442
vtkLabeledDataMapper (0x97d32d0): Could not find label array (NodeVal) 
in input.

Note : I tested with all point and cell values, only CellVal and 
NodeVal triggers error, NodesValues and CellValues are visualized 


~> diff OK.xdmf KO.xdmf
<       <Attribute Name="NodeValues" AttributeType="Scalar" 
>       <Attribute Name="NodeVal" AttributeType="Scalar" Center="Node">
<       <Attribute Name="CellValues" AttributeType="Scalar" 
>       <Attribute Name="CellVal" AttributeType="Scalar" Center="Cell">

Le 2016-05-17 13:57, Joachim Pouderoux a écrit :
> Houssen,
> Could you specify which reader you are using? xdmf2 or xdmf3?
> You mention PV5.0.0 - do you mean it used to work with previous
> releases?
> Best,
>> _PhD, Technical Expert_
> 2016-05-16 16:55 GMT+02:00 houssen <houssen at ipgp.fr [6]>:
>> Hello,
>> I have 2 grids (sharing the same nodes). On ParaView-5.0.0, when
>> attribute names differ in grids, data can not be visualized : is
>> this intended ? If yes why ? If no, how to file a bug ?
>> Thanks,
>> Franck
>> ~> diff OK.xdmf KO.xdmf
>> 48c48
>> <       <Attribute Name="NodeValues" AttributeType="Scalar"
>> Center="Node">
>> ---
>>>       <Attribute Name="NodeVal" AttributeType="Scalar"
>>> Center="Node">
>> 52c52
>> <       <Attribute Name="CellValues" AttributeType="Scalar"
>> Center="Cell">
>> ---
>>>       <Attribute Name="CellVal" AttributeType="Scalar"
>>> Center="Cell">
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