[Paraview] Streamlines with an octree/hierarchical grid

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Thu Jul 14 10:25:05 EDT 2016

Hi Ethan,

I think you're going to need to export your data differently from your
solver. You could hack around for a solution but it would probably cause
different issues with different filters and I don't see any filters that
would get you to a proper representation of your data in the VTK data

The ParaView Catalyst User's Guide (
has some more in-depth information on the different data sets in VTK and
some explanations on how to programmatically construct them. It's probably
not exactly what you want but more detailed than the ParaView User's Guide.
A short description of the format you probably want to use is


On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 4:57 PM, Ethan Hereth <e.a.hereth at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for looking into this for me.
> I'm unclear how exactly to implement the solution you have suggested. Does
> this solution require me to export my data differently from my solver? Or
> can I somehow use paraview to convert my dataset into one of the
> AMR/Hierarchical datasets you mentioned? I'm sorry to sound so noobish,
> please bear with me.
> I looked in the community edition Paraview user guide (for version 5.0)
> and didn't find anything about any of these filters. Am I missing something
> or looking for the wrong things?
> I guess the crux of my question here is, can I use the data I have already
> and have paraview convert it into something more appropriate? Or do I need
> to write code to either export my data differently or convert my data
> outside of paraview? And, if you will, could you give me an outline of the
> appropriate approach to get me started?
> Thanks a lot.
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 9:18 AM Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ethan,
>> The issue here is that unstructured grids (which is what you have here)
>> doesn't support non-conforming grids (e.g. octree grids with "hanging"
>> nodes). So in this case the stream tracer filter is trying to traverse the
>> grid by using cell adjacency information and because there isn't proper
>> connectivity information at the interfaces between different octree levels
>> the grid traversal thinks it has hit a boundary and stops.
>> The proper way to model this octree grid in VTK is through a
>> vtkNonOverlappingAMR, vtkOverlappingAMR or vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet. See
>> http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkUniformGridAMR.html for
>> information on that and either the VTK or ParaView users guides.
>> Cheers,
>> Andy
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Ethan Hereth <e.a.hereth at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Andy,
>>> Thanks again.
>>> I don't think that there are any gaps, slicing the dataset surely
>>> doesn't seem to indicate that to me. I don't follow you with respect to
>>> using the clip filter to 'convert the AMR grid to an unstructured grid with
>>> hex cells' What does that mean? I use the clip filter a lot, but for
>>> isolating parts of the mesh that I'm particularly interested in. Am I
>>> missing something here?
>>> I'll attach a state file demonstrating the issue I'm seeing on a much
>>> simpler example case as well as the data. Maybe you'll have some time to
>>> glance at it and point out my blunder? This case has three dimensional flow
>>> but you'll notice how the streamlines simply terminate in the middle of the
>>> flow field for no apparent reason, usually where elements in the grid
>>> change level.
>>> I do sincerely appreciate your help here. It would help me out a lot if
>>> you could help me figure out how to make nice streamlines with this kind of
>>> data.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ethan Alan
>>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 4:08 PM Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ethan,
>>>> I'm not sure updating to a newer version of ParaView will help here but
>>>> it should be an easy thing to test out.
>>>> I think the issue is that the grids aren't quite fitting tightly
>>>> together like you think they are. It's tough to say why that is without
>>>> having access to the data set but I'd suggest doing some slice planes
>>>> through where the streamlines terminate early to see if there are any gaps
>>>> there. The slice plane will automatically remove the ghost/blanked cells so
>>>> it should be much easier to see any gaps between the octree leaves.
>>>> I don't think the cell types should matter here but if you want to test
>>>> out my assumption you can use the clip filter to convert the AMR grids to
>>>> unstructured grids with hex cells. This will blow up the memory usage so
>>>> it's not a good long term solution but ok for testing.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Andy
>>>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Ethan Hereth <e.a.hereth at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Andy,
>>>>> Thanks for your rapid response. The streamlines do indeed seem to end
>>>>> near interfaces between leaves in the grid, but specifically when they are
>>>>> at different levels in the octree; i.e. when one element has four neighbors
>>>>> across any of its faces. I should be able to give an example of this
>>>>> behavior. But I thought I'd give you this update first. At least most of
>>>>> the times, in the cases that I've been experimenting with this afternoon,
>>>>> the reason for termination is 1/'out of domain'
>>>>> I'm using a newish version of paraview (4.4.0) but I'll try on 5.0
>>>>> soon. Also, I'm not sure that this is important, but he elements are VTK
>>>>> Voxels, not hexahedra.
>>>>> Thanks for your help,
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 2:30 PM Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ethan,
>>>>>> I've been able to use streamlines with a general multiblock data set
>>>>>> that uses blanking. This may be slightly different than your data set but I
>>>>>> don't see why it shouldn't work for you.
>>>>>> Are the streamlines terminating near the interfaces between different
>>>>>> leaves of the octree grid? If you look at the ReasonForTermination cell
>>>>>> data output that should give you an idea. Note that values for that are:
>>>>>>    1. out of domain
>>>>>>    2. not initialized
>>>>>>    3. unexpected value
>>>>>>    4. streamline max length reached
>>>>>>    5. maximum number of integration time steps reached
>>>>>>    6. stagnation (velocity too close to zero)
>>>>>> There are termination criteria for the filter (e.g. the options under
>>>>>> Integration Parameters and Streamline Parameters in the Properties panel,
>>>>>> some of them are advanced options so click on the gear to get access to
>>>>>> those) so you may want to play with those.
>>>>>> If you still have problems with this, could you share your data set
>>>>>> for us to test with?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Ethan Hereth <e.a.hereth at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Good afternoon,
>>>>>>> I am trying to generate streamlines on a solution generated on an
>>>>>>> octree style grid with hanging nodes/faces. I have cell centered data. The
>>>>>>> problem is that the streamlines always end too early. I assume this has to
>>>>>>> do with the incomplete connectivity inherent within this type of grid.
>>>>>>> My questions is, has anybody dealt with this before? And if so, what
>>>>>>> might I try to get this to work?
>>>>>>> I've tried creating a 3D Delaunay tessellation from the cell centers
>>>>>>> (obtained from the Cell Centers filter) but, at least for this case,
>>>>>>> Paraview crashes. Also, converting the cell data to point data does not
>>>>>>> take care of the problem.
>>>>>>> I've thought about attempting to interpolate my data onto a uniform
>>>>>>> structured mesh and use that new dataset as the source for the streamline
>>>>>>> filter, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.
>>>>>>> Does anybody done this before or have any ideas about how I might
>>>>>>> solve this problem?
>>>>>>> Thanks for your time,
>>>>>>> Ethan Alan
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