[Paraview] not all fields written by allinputsgridwriter.py ...

Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu (BE) u.utku.turuncoglu at be.itu.edu.tr
Fri Dec 9 08:23:19 EST 2016


I am using allinputsgridwriter.py to write data that are coming from 
co-processing. The problem is that the result file does not contain all 
the fields. The adaptor code sends two fields but the written file has 
only single field (the first one). The same adaptor code and 
allinputsgridwriter.py script generate desired output with an other 
model code. So, i think that the adaptor and allinputsgridwriter.py are 
fine. There must be a problem in the model code but i could not find it. 
At this point, i just wonder which part of code could cause the problem. 
Can you suggest me any particular key point that i need to focus?



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