[Paraview] Animated Particles in ParaView ...

Niklas Röber roeber at dkrz.de
Mon Aug 8 08:54:08 EDT 2016


I have an animation in ParaView with 1440 timesteps. Additionally, I 
have about 500 particles/points which I would like to combine with this 
animation. The particles are also animated over time but not over the 
entire length of the animation. The lifetime of a typical particle is 
about 60 to 500 timesteps, and of course they all start at different 
times. ;-) At the moment I have all data stored as CSV time series, but 
doing everything using CSV is not only alot of work, but might also be 
too much for ParaView. Therefore, I am looking for a smarter way to 
store, load and animate my particles. Anybody any idea how to do it? Any 
help is much appreciated!

Thanks and Cheers...

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