[Paraview] Depth rendering issues on ParaView Desktop 5.1.0

David Lonie david.lonie at kitware.com
Mon Aug 8 08:46:48 EDT 2016

Hi Julio,

On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Júlio Hoffimann
<julio.hoffimann at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi David,
> I downloaded all 4.x.x releases and everything works as expected. I
> downloaded ParaView 5.0.1 and ParaView 5.1.2, both give me the following
> error message about the driver:
> libGL error: unable to load driver: i965_dri.so
> libGL error: driver pointer missing
> libGL error: failed to load driver: i965
> libGL error: unable to load driver: i965_dri.so
> libGL error: driver pointer missing
> libGL error: failed to load driver: i965
> libGL error: unable to load driver: swrast_dri.so
> libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> Based on that outcome, I confirm that this is a bug introduced somewhere in
> between the 4.x.x and 5.x.x releases. How can we go and investigate this
> further? I can print more information about my system in case it is needed.

Are those drivers installed correctly? Looks like they're provided by
the intel-dri and mesa packages on archlinux:

$ pkgfile i965_dri.so
$ pkgfile swrast_dri.so

Those errors, and that the 5.x releases are working on other archlinux
installs, make me think this is a configuration issue with this
specific machine. The X log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log may have some
clues if there's a problem initializing the driver support needed for
the newer paraview. I'm not convinced this is a bug in ParaView just
yet -- the 5.x versions require different OpenGL contexts than the 4.x
versions, so it may be that something is not quite right for the newer

Have you tried building from source and setting VTK_RENDERING_BACKEND
to OpenGL (instead of OpenGL2) in cmake? That would build paraview
with the older backend used by the 4.x line, and might work better for

The only other idea that comes to mind would be to grab the
development branch from git and use 'git bisect' to identify the
commit that introduced the functionality that's failing on this

Getting the sources from git:

Git bisect:

Hope this helps,

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