[Paraview] vtkStructuredGrid not showing

Andrew Ho andrewh0 at uw.edu
Wed Jun 4 03:15:40 EDT 2014


I'm having some issues getting a structured grid to be rendered in ParaView
with a plugin I'm writing.

What I have is my own class extending vtkStructuredGridAlgorithm.

My RequestData method: http://pastebin.com/uxSk3n5b

I'm pretty sure that my generation code is working correctly as I can plug
it into the standalone VTK example and everything works as expected (

Additionally, after I apply my algorithm, the Information tab lists the
correct statistics:
2 cells
6 points
density data array with 6 elements
extents and bounds are both [0,1,0,2,0,0] which appears to be correct

 I'm using ParaView 4.1 in Ubuntu 14.04 (x64)

This seems to be similar to an issue posted back in 2011:

As a note I have tried writing a simple XDMF file which creates a 2D
structured mesh and that loads just fine. However, strangely enough the
extents are in a different order than what I thought they should be ([0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 2])

Andrew Ho
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