[Paraview] VRPN Plugin problem

Emiliano Pastorelli hogancito at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 04:55:53 EDT 2013

Hi all,

today I had to reconfigure ParaView for a multiscreen CAVE, and i run 
into a problem with the VRPlugin. ParaView compiles and builds properly 
with it activated (VRPN and VRUI already tested on the system), but once 
i load the plugin comes the problem.

The menu to select the connection type (vrui or vrpn) is blank, and I 
can't select anything. I tried configuring the connection state 
externally from the state file and load it, but it doesn't work and 
ParaView crashes. Same think if I try to load one of the state files 
that i was already using previously.

Any solution for this? (i could probably rebuild paraview using the old 
plugin source, but as you fixed some stuff in the new one, it seems 
somehow pointless for me to do that.)

Thanks in advance for your time,

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