[Paraview] Error in Make Paraview

Hedieh Ebrahimi hedieh.ebrahimi at amphos21.com
Fri Mar 15 07:40:16 EDT 2013

Hello everyone, I am trying to ccmake, make and then make install Paraview
Superbuild from the Paraview Website, but unfortunatle I find the
instructions not very clear. I would appreciate any help with my questions


In the Web page it says that Paraview Superbuild builds ParaView binaries
along with most, if not all, of the external dependencies that ParaView
needs to generate a full featured build of ParaView.

Questions :
Which libraries are a must to install before I reach the cmake and start
anything, I want the paraview to work on OPENSUSE and the paraview must
enable python scripting and get input of
h5 files and run parallel using MPI and have vedio animations output and
all features in the latest version of paraview.

Could anybody tell me how to set my parameters so I would not get error
when I get to "Make" and "Make install" .
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