[Paraview] Value Error: ColorArrayName - ParaView 3.98

Christian Klinge ck156626 at fh-muenster.de
Sun Feb 24 09:57:30 EST 2013

Hello together,


I wrote a short python script to create slices with local coordinate systems
in ParaView. Sometimes then the script should create a new slide with
defined parameter about scalar factor, origin and normal vector, the
function returns a value error.  The message told me that the point data
array cannot be found in the simulation. I tested the function with a lot of
different parameters and recognizes that the function does not fail because
of the variance of parameters. After repeating of calling the function with
the same parameters, the function worked sometimes and it fails. So now I
don't know if it is a mistake of myself or it is a bug in ParaView. 

Maybe you can give me a short answer about it. Thank you all.


I used ParaView on a Linux machine calling the pvbatch with the script as
parameter from the shell. The script is append at the end of this mail.





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