[Paraview] VTK embedded models in JSP

Dani Mora daniel.mora.checa at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 03:35:27 EDT 2013


I solved it. It had nothing to do about Paraview but about my little
experience on python scripting. I used argument parsing and called
'sys.exit()' when a wrong parameter was introduced, and that was my
problem. Now everything works fine.

Thank you again Sebastien,


2013/8/5 Sebastien Jourdain <sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com>

> Not sure to follow...
> If you are running your script in pvpython why would you need an exit()
> call ?
> When I create the following file:
> === test.py ====
> from paraview.simple import *
> Cone()
> Show()
> Render()
> and run $ pvpython test.py
> The application run and exit just fine...
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 8:51 AM, Dani Mora <daniel.mora.checa at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi again everyone,
>> I realized that I have an extra problem after importing paraview.simple.
>> Everytime I import it in python/pvpython, it hangs after the 'exit()'
>> command.
>> I also created a module that includes this funcionality. When a python
>> file uses my module, it hangs also at the end of the script.
>> Everything works perfectly, but It seemes that there is something wrong
>> with this module when finishing scripts. I have even tried with a one-line
>> script containing just: "from paraview.simple import *" and it hangs too.
>> Any idea about this? I am using Windows 7 and Paraview 4.0.1. I tried
>> with Paraview 3.9 and doesn't work either.
>> Thank you,
>> Daniel.
>> 2013/8/2 Sebastien Jourdain <sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com>
>>> Thanks Daniel for sharing your full script.
>>> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 8:14 AM, Dani Mora <daniel.mora.checa at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi again Sebastien,
>>>> Thanks for your answer. I attach the code I am going to use in case
>>>> someone finds it useful and I will also appreciate suggestions about how to
>>>> improve it:
>>>> from paraview.simple import *
>>>> from paraview.vtk import *
>>>> from vtkPVClientServerCoreRenderingPython import *
>>>> from vtkPVVTKExtensionsWebGLExporterPython import *
>>>> vtkreader = LegacyVTKReader()
>>>> vtkreader.FileNames = "model.vtk"
>>>> dp = Show(vtkreader)
>>>> dp.Representation = 'Points'
>>>> elev = Elevation(vtkreader)
>>>> pData = elev.PointData[2]
>>>> range = pData.GetRange()
>>>> dp.LookupTable = MakeBlueToRedLT(range[0],range[1])
>>>> dp.ColorArrayName = "Pressure"
>>>> renderView = GetRenderView()
>>>> # Gradient background
>>>> renderView.Background = [0.06274509803921569, 0.06666666666666667,
>>>> 0.06274509803921569]
>>>> renderView.Background2 = [0.4745098039215686, 0.47058823529411764,
>>>> 0.4745098039215686]
>>>> # Object axis invisible
>>>> renderView.CenterAxesVisibility = 0
>>>> # Export to HTML
>>>> view = Render().GetClientSideObject()
>>>> exporter = vtkPVWebGLExporter()
>>>> exporter.SetFileName("C:\\ba.html")
>>>> exporter.SetRenderWindow(view.GetRenderWindow())
>>>> exporter.Update()
>>>> Thanks a lot for your help.
>>>> Daniel.
>>>> 2013/8/1 Sebastien Jourdain <sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com>
>>>>> Hi Daniel,
>>>>> I thought that VTK would contain the WebGL exporter which it doesn't
>>>>> (for now). So you are stuck with pvpython for now.
>>>>> Here is a pvpython script
>>>>> >>> from paraview.simple import *
>>>>> >>> from paraview.vtk import *
>>>>> >>> from vtkPVClientServerCoreRenderingPython import *
>>>>> >>> from vtkPVVTKExtensionsWebGLExporterPython import *
>>>>> >>> Cone()
>>>>> >>> Show()
>>>>> >>> view = Render().GetClientSideObject()
>>>>> >>> exporter = vtkPVWebGLExporter()
>>>>> >>> exporter.SetFileName("/tmp/index.html")
>>>>> >>> exporter.SetRenderWindow(view.GetRenderWindow())
>>>>> >>> exporter.Update()
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Dani Mora <
>>>>> daniel.mora.checa at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Sebastien,
>>>>>> Thanks for your answer. I tried to use the trace but it seems that it
>>>>>> does not track the exporting process. I also downloaded and compiled the
>>>>>> vtk kit and I could not find the vtkpython module.
>>>>>> Dani.
>>>>>> 2013/7/24 Sebastien Jourdain <sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com>
>>>>>>> 1) pvserver is not a web server. It is meant to run on a cluster for
>>>>>>> very large visualization. Which is definitely not what you are looking for.
>>>>>>> 2) The html page is the only file needed for you. The other files
>>>>>>> were used for development of custom web page when streaming could be
>>>>>>> involved.
>>>>>>> Regarding your question about the scripting part, it is definitely
>>>>>>> doable but I don't know the step on the top of my head.
>>>>>>> You can try to use the trace and see if that give you the proper
>>>>>>> python command for pvpython. Otherwise, you should be able to use vtkpython
>>>>>>> without ParaView.
>>>>>>> Seb
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 4:24 AM, Dani Mora <
>>>>>>> daniel.mora.checa at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello everybody,
>>>>>>>> I just started to use Paraview and I got a bit stuck. We have some
>>>>>>>> JSP pages where we want to embed and visualize some .vtk models. I
>>>>>>>> considered two options at first:
>>>>>>>> 1- Deploy a server that will render the models. I tried to do that
>>>>>>>> but I found that I should compile again Paraview to start the pvserver (to
>>>>>>>> enable the MPI). I followed the steps here:
>>>>>>>> http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:Build_And_Install but I got some
>>>>>>>> compiler errors that I have not been to solve.
>>>>>>>> 2- Export the .vtk models into webgl (using the Paraview GUI) and
>>>>>>>> embed the resulting .html documents as JSP pages . This is the simple
>>>>>>>> approach and works so far. Regarding this option, I have two questions:
>>>>>>>>     - When exporting from vtk to webgl, we get one HTML file, one
>>>>>>>> WebGL file and around 20 tiny files with unknown information. Since it
>>>>>>>> works using only the HTML one, what are the rest of the files for?
>>>>>>>>     - I need this task (to export) to be automatized because it is
>>>>>>>> possible that we will have many models in the future. I tried to use Python
>>>>>>>> scripting but I could not find how to do it.  Any idea about how to do
>>>>>>>> it? Is there any documentation I could read? I was thinking of extracting
>>>>>>>> this functionality from the source code but I am looking for a 'smarter'
>>>>>>>> solution.
>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot in advance, and sorry if some of the questions are
>>>>>>>> very basic.
>>>>>>>> Daniel.
>>>>>>>> PS: I am working under Windows as a constraint of the project.
>>>>>>>> PS2: I recently found the X Toolkit WebGL (
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/xtk/X#readme) that is currently working, but I
>>>>>>>> would like to have other options anyway.
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