[Paraview] Output of ParallelUnstructuredGridWriter running on multiple nodes

Hong Yi hongyi at renci.org
Fri Apr 26 16:50:12 EDT 2013

Thanks, Andy. In our case, users only want to observe one integrated velocity value (one output value from Integrate Variable Filter) for the slice at each time step so that they can determine from which time point on this velocity value stops changing which indicates to them the simulation has converged. So this large amount of output files from the ParallelUnstructuredGridWriter is hard to serve this purpose. I am wondering whether there is a way for me to export the SpreadSheetRepresentation view (to view Integrate Variable Filter output) as a screen capture when I export pipeline in python for coprocessing? It looks like the "Export State" GUI for coprocessing only allows to export rendered views, not other types of views. If not, I am thinking perhaps I can write a customized writer plugin to only export the needed output value for our purpose and to make this writer only exports one file for each time step regardless of the number of processors it runs on.

Thanks for any more information you can provide!


From: Andy Bauer [mailto:andy.bauer at kitware.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 7:43 PM
To: Hong Yi
Cc: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Output of ParallelUnstructuredGridWriter running on multiple nodes

The parallel XML data set writers all write independently of each other (no MPI communication is needed in the writers). Because of this they can't tell process 0 when writing it's meta-data file that it doesn't need to write out meta data for them.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 4:30 PM, Hong Yi <hongyi at renci.org<mailto:hongyi at renci.org>> wrote:
I am running a simulation in-situ linked with ParaView CoProcessing library with a pipeline that includes "slice->Integrate Variables Filter->ParallelUnstructuredGridWriter" so that integrated velocity value for a slice at each time point can be written out while running the simulation in-situ. The output from this ParallelUnstructureGridWriter for each time step includes one pvtu file plus one vtu file from each running node, so that is a lot of output files for each time point especially when running on a large number of nodes in parallel. However, it looks like only the output vtu file from processing node 0 includes valid velocity range value while other output vtu files from other nodes include only blank/empty values. So I am wondering whether there is a good way to set up only outputting vtu file from processing node 0 to prevent output of those large number of files that don't include valid/useful values. Any suggestions are very much appreciated.



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